
One Thousand Years: Genesage " Communion" (Chp 4:9)

One Thousand Years


" Communion"

(Chp 4:9)

No one quite knew how to describe what was happening.

None understood how to react to what they saw. For the first time in the Kingdom the entire group was silent. Not a word was spoken between them.

Frozen in place, daring not to move, they watched intently.

Each person was lost in their own emotional reaction to what was happening before them. It was communal, yet each was isolated to individual responses. Everyone ‘felt’ something different. Reactions were happening to everyone who “looked” upon the Rose

It interacted with them. It affected them; reacting to them. It seemed to acknowledge each and every one of them. Each person there was surprised at how "it" made them feel. There was no description and nothing to compare it to. It was “other worldly’, yet somehow familiar.

As each one stared at..., at the "face", those eyes seemed to look back.

“It” viewed each person separately, individually. Giving full attention to each everyone that was there. All felt direct contact with…"it". No one was excluded. All knew the one they gazed upon, looked at. Somehow, someway, they felt like they “knew” this “life form” in a way beyond understanding.

Just by looking into those eyes.

Once those eyes held you in their gaze you could not look away. Wanting to hide, it was shocking at first, yet the look kept you transfixed. You felt drawn in, pulled, compelled in some way. Held by the feeling Rose had to say to each one personally.

A look that spoke louder than words as if silence could fill a vacuum of sound.

She, it, the being, looked so old and yet so young. Ancient appearing, oddly pure, virginesque and bereft of any emotion, yet full of all emote. The eyes were pools of reflective eternity with ethereal realities waiting to be explored.

Their depth contained the universe. Their volume enveloping into a microcosm of creative splendor. The fullness of life was in those eyes. There was sincerity; completeness; a perfect purpose and design.

Those eyes, no one could look away once caught in those eyes.

 Life seemed to flow from her. She invaded all emotions felt by everyone as if enhancing them. Somehow she magnified them beyond rationale and reason by her attention to them.  Naked and exposed the life that was before them emanated invisibly to them. Some creative bond beyond recognition by those who were watching.

Invisible in this dimension but certainly extant in realities beyond that sight that coexisted. There was bonding. It was coefficient to experience but perceptive in other realities. Communion of Creative Purpose.  Life as living was clearly felt by all those around.

A “singularity” of extant force of ….godliness?

It was a halo with no halo to be seen, a glow with only it's essence to be known. What could not be seen was greater than what could be seen. Though from all outward appearances, there was simply two being looking at each other, everyone knew and felt so much more.

A touch from God’s own Spirit in another way never before experienced.

The appreciation of the touch was beyond the comprehension to know to express. If fullness was completion than in that moment of time completion felt extant to those transfixed beyond space and time. The individual felt immersed in a greater “whole” and more comprehensive part of being created than ever before.

As if the Universe had opened a door and allowed one to peek inside.

Just by looking into those eyes, and those eyes looking into you.

This was creation in all in all. This Communion process was never at an end. It connected and realities of perception formed and actuated unused capabilities. Life was proceeding as each encountered fullness therein. Life was changing as each engaged in the connection.  

Each for a moment, in the gaze, was at one with Rose.

It was communion.

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