
Prophecy Article Today: "Mark of the Beast communication system " -DON KOENIG


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Mark of the Beast communication system may now be under development

I believe that any Mark of Beast System where no man can buy or sell cannot realistically be established worldwide until there is a worldwide communication system where even the poor and the rural people of the world have access. Since I live in a place where high-speed Internet is still not available or feasible I keep on top of the news on any new high-speed Internet developments.

If we are in the last days like I believe, I really also have to wonder how there can be any totally controlled buy/sell system in place on earth at a time when there are so many people in the world that still do not have access to electricity and communications and it also appears that they won’t have for decades.

From what I knew, it appeared to me that a world buy/sell system would not be possible until some new communications technology was developed. Up until yesterday, I did not see any such system on the near horizon. If you bear with me for a minute I will get to the point about a possible communication system that will fill the bill. First I want to give you some background information, you might find the information useful.

As I said, as of right now, high-speed Internet is still not feasible for me. There is no DSL or cable available here and the present satellite Internet systems that are available are not much of an improvement over dial-up. They are expensive, they are not very fast, they are subject to interference by rain and snow and all the satellite providers put severe bandwidth limitations on their service. I actually already exceed their daily or monthly limits using my dial-up connection. Therefore, these present satellite services are not going to be the answer for me or the answer for 5 billion other people on earth that still do not have good access to the Internet.

Recently I have been looking into Verizon because a workman that came here claimed he was getting good reception on his Verizon iPhone. So we have been looking into that but the Verizon store will not lend us a data device and I am not about to buy equipment and get into a long-term contract before I know if it actually works here most of the time. Even if the Verizon service is better than dial-up or satellite, Verizon will probably only be 3G here for the next two years. We will be one of the last areas in the country to get 4G, but Verizon does have plans to get 4G wherever they have service by 2013. Nevertheless, since I do not know if 3G will work here yet, I cannot assume that 4G will work here either even when it arrives. Therefore the research for a high-speed Internet solution for me continued.

While researching this stuff I came across a satellite terrestrial hybrid system that is about ready to hit the market place. It is called LightSquared . The lightSquared website says this system

“will be the first Open wireless broadband network using a technology called Long Term Evolution (LTE), the most widely adopted 4G standard in the world. Its LTE network will be combined with one of the largest commercial satellites ever launched, to provide coverage of the entire United States. This integrated LTE-satellite network is a world first.”

That sounded exciting because it looks like the answer for my problem, so I checked into it some more. The $600 million dollar satellite is already in space and the terrestrial tower hotspots are now under development. They plan to have 40,000 hotspots across the United States all using 4G LTE. They say that this terrestrial system will cover 92 percent of the United States by 2015.

With this terrestrial satellite hybrid system, if you get in an area of the country where the land based system does not work the satellite system will seamlessly take over. The main difference will be slower Internet speed when you are on the satellite. They plan to market this Open system through various local vendors and that should drive down the cost of high-speed Internet for everyone.

About the only major bug left to work out in this system is that it may jam some GPS devices that do not have a strong enough filter to keep out the noise from the nearby radio wavelength that this new hybrid system uses. It seems GPS manufactures are the one to blame because they should have realized that this wavelength would be used someday. They should have built-in noise filters. Anyway, that problem is likely to be solved, the only question is who pays the costs for the filters and upgrades? Nevertheless, the FCC is not going to let them turn this system on until these things are worked out but they still believe the system will be turned on this year. Like all new Internet systems the big cities will be the first to have access to it.

That sounds great for Internet because Verizon and others will have 4G LTE covering most of the United States as well by 2013, so there is going to be a lot of high-speed available to almost everyone at very competitive prices. Even so, with LightSquared, those out of the range of towers that have to resort to satellite for Internet will not get 4G LTE they will get high-speed but it will not be at the speeds of the terrestrial based 4G LTE systems. Satellite Internet also have a latency problem because they are in stationery orbit about 22,000 miles from the earth. So it takes a second or so for the four-way trip that is required before that data you requested gets back to your device. That makes real-time applications like voice and interactive gaming about impossible. Also, since the satellite is in stationery orbit it will not reach everywhere in the world, so although this will cover most of the US it really cannot be the communication system that solves the Mark of the Beast buy/sell dilemma.

So lo and behold, in my further research, I came across another satellite system that is under development that actually does solve all of the problems and it is coming almost as soon. The system is called Commstellation and it is due to go online in 2014 or 2015. It will be a system of 78 low orbit mini satellites that will cover the whole earth. It will be relatively inexpensive and the latency problem will be solved because each satellite will orbit only 1000km above the earth. In other words these satellites will be about 30 or 40 times closer to earth than the stationary satellites. Maybe the best way to describe this type of satellite system would be to think of the GPS networks of satellites but put high speed data transfer on them and have more of them in orbit. There will always be one or more satellites available for your communications device. Since the satellites are much closer to the earth they will communicate 10 to 20 times faster than the high altitude systems. There will not be the huge costs either, since the plan is to have 14 satellites launched on just one rocket. The whole system will be put up with just 6 rockets in 2014 or 2015. There will be coverage overlap and backup satellites so 100 percent of the globe will be covered all the time.

I have to eat a little crow here because Chuck Missler in a Bible prophecy conference in 2008 said that there would be a satellite system up in five years that would cover the whole earth. I thought he was blowing smoke. To me that seemed highly unlikely and I said so in a post and a critique that I wrote on that 2008 Bible Prophecy conference (now deleted). I have to give credit where credit is due. Chuck Missler was only off by a year or two. I really did not see any possibility of global internet coverage coming that quickly but Commstellation is making me a believer.

This also puts a critical piece into the prophetic puzzle because there had to be some kind of world communication system accessible to everyone, even the poor nations, before any literal mark of the Beast buy/sell system could be implemented in the whole world.

It sounds feasible to me that the communications system called Commstellation will actually be in place by 2015 as advertised. After that, it probably will soon become integrated with other high-speed systems somehow. I do not expect this one system to be able to handle all of the communications of the world but it will fill in where only satellite can reach. So, soon there will be global high-speed coverage everywhere on earth and I guess they could put up more satellites if that becomes necessary.

So let’s assume that it will be in place by 2015 as advertised. It would still take time to do the integration with other high-speed systems and low-cost devices powered by kinetic energy will have to be manufactured so that even poor people without electrical power can access the Internet. At the rate that the cost of electronics keeps falling and are using less and less power it is very feasible that within 10 years after the system is working that all people on earth will have the means to access the Internet from anywhere on the earth. I am sure the big charitable foundations will help with the costs of these devices and help bring this Internet capability to everyone on earth.

Then couple this communication system with a computer chip or code in or on your own body that gives you access to the world market place and you have everything necessary to literally fulfill the buy/sell Bible prophecy.

So I think by around 2025, the only thing that the world will be waiting for to implement the Beast buy/sell system is the decree by the False Prophet (the second Beast).

Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12  And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13  And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14  And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


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