
One Thousand Years: Genesage "Viral Six Six Six" (Chp 4:3)

One Thousand Years


"Viral Six Six Six"

(Chp 4:3)

It wore Tom out, the techno-babble.

Socio-drama, religio-kharma; you name it, every day some absolute was absolutely gone. 

Political Saviors came and went. Societies Heroes rose and fell. Financial Wizards gained and lost. Everytime you put your faith in someone in those days…, they failed. It didn’t matter which religion, each one’s leaders were human.

Pastor; Teacher; Reverend; Thief;    Doctor; Lawyer; News Radio Chief;

All the world’s leaders and all the worlds men couldn’t put one perfect person together again.

“The world wore out the soul of mankind.”

Gone by way of overwhelmed raw emotion. Tom remembered those days, but today was all that mattered.  How they got here wasn’t as important as how to get out of here. How to Get away. Somewhere to run, somewhere to hide.

And that wasn’t going to happen.

There was no way out.

The tortures, always followed by the screaming. Screaming all night long. A Rocky Horror Sound and Light show of the Worst kind. It was real. It was here. He could see it, He could smell it. He felt it.

Kept by sleep depravations he witnessed many dead bodies beheaded. Not even the dead were allowed to rest in peace, but like some mockery, the dead rested all right.

They rested in pieces (RIP).

Ripped apart and hacked.

It was too much. So much so no one could endure. No Survivors here. No heroes versus villains, this was too much. As if it were not enough  there  was the walk to the prisons lined with The Walk of Shame.

Shamed humanity that was lined with bodiless heads left on spits. Men’s heads, body parts; women desecrated, humanity eviscerated. All on spits, spikes, staked out to remind everyone to change their minds or lose it. Make a decision.

Use your “freedom of choice”.

All prisons were lined by these “Walks of Shame” always at the entrance of the Prisoners section.

Everyone saw, smelled, convulsed. Everyone was repulsed by the obvious results of disobedience to the Rule of Law. The Law of the Land. The Land of the End of Man.

This was the Rule of Order in the Greatest Tribulation Mankind had ever seen.

That wasn’t how it started of course.

It was how it was ending.

No one had foresaw this side of despair. Most were induced into the new societal agenda long before ever having to be escorted to this state. It wasn’t a New World Order, it was a Survival Factor. A Heath Issue.

A need to save Humanity from Pandemic destruction.

At first it made perfect sense.

Like other countries had done long before, if you weren’t part of the solution you were the problem.

You were the discordant voice. You were the objection to the rule of law. You became the lawless one when lawlessness became the rule of law. If you aren’t for me, you are a Terrorist. The Winners write history, the losers bear witness.

Mankind Won, God lost.

It had been so easy to just remove those who objected to the Enhancement Vaccine. After all, better they be quarantined than all of society be infected.

Once the New Super Virus had been created by rogue scientist playing on people’s fears and religion by calling it six six six[1]. Everyone “knew” you needed to be protected by the anti-viral agent.

The “SIX SIX SIX” viral genetic mutational biobotulismic plague made you SICK SICK SICK, then you DIED DIED DIED.  Your decomposition affected everything you came into contact with.

It was a designer plague and like designer drugs, customized for effect. It worked.

Humanity panicked when faced with inevitable extinction.

Everyone agreed it was for the best. Everyone even voted on it. Enhancing your immune system with the nano-strand sequencer protein.

The only problem was, if you weren’t enhanced, you became a carrier of the new biological nerve weapon six-six-six.  

It was an ALL or Nothing Solution.

Mandatory Vaccination.

“Besides, some reasoned, you were Preventing “SIX SIX SIX”

Segregation and separation had started slowly.

As the World fell apart, so did self-control.

It wasn’t long till those who were segregated from society became imprisoned by it.

Tom found himself collected with everyone else who didn’t get the new NANO-BOT for mankind. It started with infectious disease control and pandemic prevention ending in Societal Identification Project by DNA scan.

All “needed” at the time by each succeeding world crisis that had governments reeling and the world staggering on each successive catastrophe that occurred in increasingly rapid progression.

Nerve agents, Virus Strains, Biological Terrorism, Nano-Vaccines, the escalation of dilemma and solution made it easy to see how fast things began to happen in rapid succession like train out of control.

Tom recalled at the time thinking gestation or birth pangs, though back then he didn’t know why.

As if the “birth pangs” suddenly had come upon the World and increased rapidly.

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[1] Six, six, six, reference to the numbering of the name of the anti-christ

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