
Broadcast Christianity How Can Satan Come Into God's Presence?-Jack Kelley

How Can Satan Come Into God’s Presence?

Jack Kelley

Q. The Bible say God hates Sin and even on the Cross, when his own Son  died, he could not look at Sin and turned his head.  In Job 2:1  it says “..and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord”  In Revelation 12:10 it talks about the accuser of our brethren cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.  Satan is the ultimate in sin itself, why/how can God tolerate Satan in his presence?

A. The Lord hasn’t  explained all the details of His plan to us, and it’s His right to keep some things to Himself.  Colossians 1:16 says all things were created by Him and for Him.  Satan is a created being (Ezek. 28:13), so that tells us he must serve some ongoing purpose in God’s plan. Since the Bible doesn’t explain how God can tolerate having Satan in His presence, any explanation I could offer would be pure speculation.

Tags: Sin, Theology

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o is a non-denominational, non-church, Christian ministry dedicated to providing believers with a deeper understanding of the whole counsel of God through His revealed word.

o   About the Author
Jack Kelley is a Christian writer with several books to his credit, including “Children’s     Stories of the Bible, The Adult Version” and “The Stories of the Patriarchs” a fictionalized  account of the Book of Genesis. His latest effort, “The Seven Churches Chronicle” is a  commentary on Revelation 2-3 that appears in eBook form on this website and is based  on a  research trip to Turkey and Greece, where he visited the actual sites of these  churches as well as other prominent New Testament locations.

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