
Prophecy Article Today: "'The Rapture " - Grant Phillips


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The Rapture

I have believed in the rapture of the Church since I was just a child, and still do. I realize that some Christians do not believe that this is an actual event, and that is okay. We are still brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. 
Maybe one huge reason that others do not believe in the Rapture is because it is such an unusual, one-of-a-kind event. The very thought of millions of people rising from the graves and those alive vanishing in thin air, all in the blink of an eye, is just too awesome to be real. Nothing of this magnitude has ever happened, or ever could, say some. Is that really true? I don’t think it is. Consider the following:
·        Long before we ever came on the scene, God created angelic beings. From just the little we know about angels, this was some accomplishment.

·        When God created the world we live in, nothing like this had ever happened before, at least as far as weknow. When He created mankind, animal life, plant life, sun, moon, stars, and the galaxies, this had to be one whale of an event. The angels must have been standing around in amazement.

·        When God covered the entire earth with water and drowned every living being except those protected in the ark, that too was a one-of-a-kind happening. It has never happened since, and it never will happen again since God promised that He would not destroy the earth again with water. The people of Noah’s day did not believe there would be a flood. It had never even rained at that point of time. However, regardless of the impossibility of that ever happening, the flood came just as God told Noah. Every living being on earth drowned, except those God protected in the Ark.
·        When the Creator God stepped out of Heaven and became man by being born a human baby boy from a virgin girl named Mary, that had never happened before, and will never happen again. To top it off, He accomplished this feat without the natural male/female procreation method He Himself created.

·        These are just four obvious events that happened in the past, and are either beyond even the scale of an event like the Rapture, or at least equal to it.
In the future, probably the very near future, Jesus Christ will call His bride up to meet Him in the air. Only He knows the number, but they will come from the graves and from the living. All will be given new heavenly bodies within the twinkling of an eye. Here one second, gone the next. Especially considering the events mentioned earlier, does this now seem like such a difficult thing for Him to accomplish? I don’t think it does. To us it sounds impossible, but to God it’s “child’s play” so to speak.
Another reason given for there being no Rapture is that we who believe in the Rapture are just “copping out”. We think we are too good to go through the Tribulation and are not facing reality. I just don’t see it that way. Consider the following:

·        Why does Jesus have Paul make it so clear to us in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 that His people will first be removed before He finishes the remaining years (seven) promised to Israel and also judges the earth?

·        Why does Jesus tell us in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 that “…God hath not appointed us (the Church) to wrath (Tribulation) but to obtain salvation (Rapture) by our Lord Jesus Christ”?

·        Why does Jesus tell us in Revelation 3:10, “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee (the Church) from the hour of temptation (Tribulation), which shall come upon all the world, to try them (those without Christ) that dwell upon the earth”?

·        When God judged the world by a world-wide flood, He removed His own from harm’s way first. Why are Noah and his family an exact parallel to the Church being removed from harm’s way first, before God judges the world a second time?

·        Jesus reveals Himself in Revelation chapter one. In chapters two and three He speaks only to the Church. In chapter four verse one Jesus shows a door open in Heaven, and afterwards He is no longer addressing the Church, but the world that He will soon judge.

·        In the last chapter of Revelation and verse seventeen, we see the Church mentioned again as the bride. The Spirit and the bride are inviting those from the Tribulation to come to Jesus Christ for salvation. Therefore, the bride is already in Heaven with the Lord.

·        Is it not odd that God’s chosen people Israel did not see the signs in the Scriptures of Jesus coming as a Lamb before He would come as a Lion? As a nation, they missed His prophesied arrival on earth as God’s sacrifice for the redemption of mankind (the Lamb) because they were looking for Him to return and set up His kingdom on earth (as the Lion). Is it possible that many of God’s chosen people of the Church are misunderstanding the difference between the Rapture and the second coming of Jesus (His return as the Lion)? Even so, He will still arrive as prophesied (the Rapture first, then the second coming), just as He did two thousand years ago.

·        I too find John 14:1-3 somewhat more difficult to understand. Is He referring to the Rapture or to His second coming? I think the key is in the phrase, “Let not your heart be troubled”. This is merely my opinion, but could He be providing comfort to His own (the Church, represented by the Apostles) by letting them know that He will come for them before He brings judgment upon the world?

·        Another thought is that when Jesus’ wrath falls upon this earth, everyone upon the face of the earth will feel it. I simply cannot see Jesus, as our bridegroom, lashing out in wrath on His own bride, the Church. No groom would do that. Any groom would first move his bride out of harm’s way, before exacting justice on his enemies. Jesus said in Ephesians 5:25-27, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it, That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word; That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish”.

o       Someone may say that the Church is being persecuted today and has been since day one. Therefore, why would the Church be removed to avoid persecution during the Tribulation? What is the difference? The difference is that the persecution of the Church is not coming from Jesus. It is coming from His enemies, Satan, to be specific. Satan administers persecution now, and will do so during the Tribulation. Jesus will administer justice during the Tribulation, but will remove His own before doing so.

o       Someone else may say why will Israel go through the seven years of Tribulation, and not the Church, since they too are God’s people? This is a legitimate question. Christ’s true church has never rejected Him. Israel has, and still does. The Church was never promised any given number of years for God’s discipline. Israel has, and there are seven years remaining.

o       Also, God works with mankind via dispensations. When the last person is brought into the Church by salvation through Jesus Christ, the Church Age dispensation will end. Jesus will then remove His Church, and the dispensation forIsrael will continue where it left off with the remaining seven years that remain in God’s promised 490 years for IsraelIsrael has completed 483 years of the 490, but they have seven more years to finish the total of 490 years.
o       The Jewish betrothal and marriage experience is an exact parallel of Jesus and His bride, the Church, culminating with the Rapture.
These are some of the major reasons I do believe that Jesus will remove His Church prior to the Tribulation period. If you do not believe as I do concerning this wonderful prophecy, I certainly have no quarrel with you. As I previously stated, as Christians, we are brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, and will in the end, be with our Lord and Savior worshipping Him together for all eternity. 
I also see striking similarities between our physical life/death and the Rapture. Keeping in mind that there are no signs for the Rapture, but all end time signs point to the Tribulation and beyond.
o       As we age, our body approaches the time of our death in the future.

o       In our early life, we do not see many, if any, signs pointing to our death at an old age, but the closer we get to the time of our body dying, more signs begin to appear. Read the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes. Our vision fades. Our hearing fades. Our joints begin to hurt. Other body parts begin to fail. These would be signs that the end of life for our body is coming to a close.

o       Since Jesus’ ascension, the clock started ticking for the world to end. From that point and for many years thereafter, the signs were either non-existent or slow to appear. However, in the last 62 years the signs have exploded on the scene in rapid succession and increasing in severity. The signs of physical human death are the same. In the beginning they are either non-existent or slow to appear, but as the end approaches, the signs come rapidly and increase in severity until death overtakes our body.

o       This world as we know it is going to die just as our body ages and dies. Jesus has provided signs for us to know when the time of death, for the world and our body, is approaching. Just as our body dies in its final fight to live, the world will die beginning with the Tribulation and all that will follow. We are seeing these signs now. Daniel is no longer a closed book, but is open for understanding. Revelation has never been a closed book. We are rapidly approaching the final scene of death. All the signs are here.

o       The good news (for Christians) is that life follows death, and not just life, but eternal, everlasting life. Jesus explains this to us in 1 Corinthians 15 through His Apostle Paul. In death our bodies are lowered in the grave, but in Christ our bodies are raised up to eternal life. After our body dies, we (in our spirit) are consciously alive with Jesus Christ. At the Rapture our bodies are changed from earthly bodies (that eventually die) to heavenly bodies (that never die).
As previously stated, there are no signs for the Rapture. The signs are for the Tribulation, which follows the Rapture of the Church. Since there are no signs for the Rapture, but we are clearly seeing the beginning signs for the Tribulation, we must be very close to our Lord coming for us.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)

Grant Phillips

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Prophecy Today Q&A: "What’s An Anti-Zionist?" -Jack Kelley


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Jack Kelley

What’s An Anti-Zionist?

Q. I have run into a number of people lately that are pushing an anti-Zionist agenda, but they  say they are not anti-Judiasm or anti-Jews.  They even go as far as to say Zionists are the One World Order. I cannot find any scripture that suggests we should be anti- Zionists.  Am I missing something about this?


A. The Zionist movement supports the right of the Jewish people to return to their homeland and maintain Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.  This is consistent with God’s commitment to Abraham that his descendants (through Isaac and Jacob) would be given the Promised Land as an everlasting possession (Genesis 17:7-8).  Being an anti-Zionist puts one in opposition to God’s promise to Abraham.


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Prophecy Video Series: "Stem Cells & the Nephilim" pt 2 -Chuck Missler

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Prophecy Today Q&A: "Didn’t Paul Expect To Be Gone?" -Jack Kelley


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Jack Kelley

Didn’t Paul Expect To Be Gone?

Q. Somebody asked me a question and I didn’t know what to answer, I hope you can help me out.  We were talking about 1 Thessalonians 5.   In verse 6, referring to the 2nd. Coming, Paul includes himself in the verse like he is going to be waiting for the Lord also.   But doesn’t he suppose that he and the church will be in the presence of God by then?  I get the impression that Paul or any other writer in the Bible talk as if they will be on earth at the second coming.


A. Paul’s use of the phrase “Day of the Lord” in 1 Thes. 5:2 refers to the Great Tribulation, not to the 2nd Coming.  Verse 3 helps make that clear when he says the world will be caught by surprise and won’t escape the judgment. All this is in the 3rd person.

Then in verse 4 he switched to the 2nd person to differentiate the Church from the world, saying we shouldn’t be surprised to see this coming because we should be awake and alert, as if watching for signs of it.  And in verses 9-11 he confirmed that we’re not appointed to suffer wrath because the Lord died for us, and we should encourage one another.

This is consistent with his earlier promises in the letter that Jesus will rescue us out of the time and place of the coming wrath (1 Thes. 1:10), his prayer that we’ll be in the presence of God when the Lord returns to Earth at the 2nd Coming (1 Thes. 3:13) and that the Lord will catch us up to be with Him (1 Thes. 4:16-17).


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The Grand Canyon is a geological wonder, a vast chasm stretching 277 miles west to east through northern Arizona. The canyon offers one of the best geological cross sections in the world, with nearly 30 distinct layers found from the bottom to the top; its mesas, buttes, colorful slopes and spires illustrate the geological story of the great American southwest. School children are fed a simple tale about how the canyon was formed, but as any honest geologist will admit, nobody knows exactly how it got there. 

The true cause of the Grand Canyon is still hotly debated among geologists, and all recognize there's no solid answer. There are too many missing pieces. The basic park ranger explanation is that the Colorado Plateau - 130,000 square miles covering northern Arizona, southern and eastern Utah, western Colorado and northwestern New Mexico - began to rise up 50-70 million years ago, causing the existing Colorado River to downcut. After millions of years of steady uplift, the Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon. The higher the plateau rose, pushed upward by magma from deep in the earth, the more powerful the erosional forces of the river proved to be. 

The Colorado River was tamed a great deal when the Glen Canyon Dam was finished in 1966. The dam controls the flow of the river now. The Colorado's flashfloods once carried boulders the size of VW Buses, and it transported an estimated 160 million tons of sediment every year, scouring the canyon bottom. Still, many people consider the vast expanse of the Grand Canyon and despise the Colorado as an underfit river, one that could not have possibly hauled out all the necessary sediment. 

A Few Puzzles:
The simple explanation does have serious geological issues. The Colorado River flows into the Gulf of California – the Sea of Cortez - which contains sediments from geologically young Pliocene layers - not older layers.  It appears that the eastern part of the Grand Canyon is much older than the western part of the Grand Canyon, but nobody knows exactly what happened. 

The western end of the canyon is fairly young. Local sediments come from the Basin and Range area to the west of the Canyon and are from Miocene layers. No river could have carved through there until after the Miocene. There's also no evidence that an older Colorado River ran through the Grand Wash Cliffs at the western end of the canyon. There is therefore an upper Colorado River system to the east that did not originally continue west of the Colorado Plateau. 

Alternate Theories:
The first thought, of course, is that the deposits were carried away by a different route. Perhaps the canyon was carved by a river that flowed down through Marble Canyon through what is now the Little Colorado River, draining into the Rio Grande. According to the theory, another small but steep and vigorous river rushed westward across the Basin and Range. It moved eastward by headward erosion until it ran into the upper Colorado. It "captured" the Colorado , caveman style, and the two married and carved the Grand Canyon in 4-6 million years, dumping into the Sea of Cortez like today. 

There's a problem there, though. The Continental Divide would have prevented the Little Colorado River from reaching the Rio Grande, and the sediment evidence is not there. 

Some argue that the old river flowed south at Peach Springs Canyon, until the river burst through whatever blocked the way to the western part of the Grand Canyon. Some argue that the Colorado Plateau tipped one way and then the other as it rose so that the Colorado River flowed in the opposite direction. Some argue the river flowed underground, or flowed northwest, draining into lakes in Nevada and Utah. 

The deposits to prove these drainage systems haven't been found.  That's part of the problem; there is a lot of data that is just plain missing.

A Breached Dam:
According to one theory, two major lakes formed in the so-called Bidahochi Formation to the east of the current day Grand Canyon. The Colorado River overflowed the basins of the Colorado Rockies, filling the vast Hopi Lake and Grand Lake to the east. When the natural dam holding back the lakes broke, they gushed down, tearing out the soft limestone and sandstone layers of the Grand Canyon. With a rupture in the Kaibab Upwarp, the Colorado River changed course and followed the fissure down through what is now the western end of the canyon and south into the Gulf of California. In other words, the Colorado did not really cause the Grand Canyon at all, it merely followed the easiest path down to the Sea of Cortez after the Canyon had been formed.;

The breached dam theory has an interesting bit of support from the legends of the local tribes. More than 500 Native American sites in the Grand Canyon park indicate that significant populations lived in the vicinity throughout history.  In his video Grand Canyon, part of the Great National Parks series, Dan Goldblatt refers to a Navajo legend about the formation of Grand Canyon. In the full story, it rained in the land for many days. It rained so much that waters rose high over the tops of the mountains. After the rain stopped, whatever was holding back the waters broke, and the waters rushed down and carved out the canyon. 

Young Earth geologists like Steve Austin believe that these great lakes were leftover from the Flood of Noah.  When the natural dam that held them broke, the waters ripped through the Kaibab Plateau with a fury. If the lakes were quite large - three times the size of Lake Michigan, by some estimates - the erosion would not have had to take the millions of years that geologists would have expected. 

In the end, the scientists will keep battling it out. Only God knows exactly how that fantastic crevasse in the earth was formed, but every bit of information adds to the tremendous fun of figuring out the mystery.


Related Links:

• The Breached Dam Theory - Advanced Creationism
• Sedimentation in the Colorado River delta and Upper Gulf of California After Nearly a Century of Discharge Loss - Marine Geology
• The Grand Canyon as a Creationist Clock - University of South Dakota
• The Mystery Of The Pre-Grand Canyon Colorado River: Results From The Muddy Creek Formation - GSA Today
• The Muddy Creek Formation at the Mouth of the Grand Canyon: Constraint or Chimera? - USGS
• Making Sense of Grand Canyon's Puzzles - The New York Times




Animal rights activists picketed the elephant rides at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar on Sunday because they said the elephants were being mistreated. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Animal Defenders International (ADI) point to a video of the elephants' being beaten, hooked with bull hooks and shocked. The elephants' owners responded that they themselves are animal activists, and they care about the ethical treatment of their elephants. Elephant co-owner Kari Johnson said the activists "cut the film to take everything out of context and make it look far worse." She said, "PETA doesn't know anything about the treatment of elephants. They just don't want animals in the hands of people at all." 

Save the animals. Save the earth. Somewhere in the middle of it there may be somebody who wants to save the people. We'd hope. 

NASA's website offers of a variety of charts showing basic indicators of climate change. We see rising carbon dioxide levels (100 parts per million since 1950), rising surface temperature levels (.9oC since 1880), shrinking arctic sea ice levels (2 million square km since 1979), and rising sea water levels (20 cm over 130 years). Climate change aficionados trumpet the need to make new laws to clamp down on carbon dioxide emissions, and those who balk and say, "the temperature has risen one degree!" are eviscerated in the media. 

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently released data that shows a dip in carbon dioxide emissions about the time of the 2008 financial crisis. Since then, though, carbon dioxide levels have again risen, and the 2010 COconcentrations are higher than ever before. (Apparently, the global economy has improved.) The colder winters are blamed on climate change. The tornadoes are blamed on climate change. The humidity on the east coast is blamed on the Gulf of Mexico, which has experienced climate change. 

Despite the haranguing of global warming zealots, climate change talks got off to a sluggish start in Bonn, Germany on June 6. The next Conference of the Parties (COP) in Durban, South Africa is this December, and the two weeks of talks in Bonn are just a precursor.

Discussions about how to deal with climate change just do not inspire great excitement. The countries that are the worst polluters don't want to do anything about it, because changing direction would mean hurting their industries. Carbon dioxide levels may be up, but that doesn't mean that anybody's economy is stable. 

Saving the earth has long been the religion of certain groups of people. They approach the salvation of the planet with the relish of a Pentecostal, insisting that if something is not done about carbon dioxide emissions now, we are all going to hell in a handbasket. 

Justine McGill wrote in The Sydney Morning Herald on June 10: "If the message of climate change is that we are sinners, responsible for a massive crime against humanity and the environment, then it is little wonder that some people react by rejecting climate change as fiction, and others become fervent in declaring their exemplary willingness to make personally purifying sacrifices to atone for it." 

The green movement might get along faster if legislators put aside the need to use the environment as a means to gain control of the world. It is a perfect excuse for shackles. We all need to live on this planet; there aren't any other ones ready to move to. We are all culpable for the destruction that we cause. However, as President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus warned "environmentalism with its 'Earth First' arguments represents 'Leviathan Two' [and is a] menace which may become even more dangerous than old socialism." 

Mr. Klaus noted that socialistic environmentalists support "an old doctrine which is based on the wrong conclusion that the more complex the world is, the more government intervention, regulation and control [is required]." 

Ed Feulner writes in The Washington Times, "Indeed, 'green' has become the new red." 

We all want to avoid massive state control in the name of the environment. We want to avoid the treatment of human beings as parasites who have no real business existing on the planet. 

At the same time, the very first job that God gave to humankind was to take care of a Garden. God told Adam to manage things, and if God watches every sparrow that falls (Matt 10:29), it is likely He did not intend for Adam to destroy everything he touched. We do need to manage things well. 

Deforestation of the rain forests really is a problem; once the trees are gone they don't grow back. The high rainfall in the Amazon region leaches all the nutrients out of the soil, quickly making the ground useless for crops and leading to desertification. That's a problem. As we noted last week, water use is a problem. We need to manage our water resources wisely, or we're going to be in trouble. It's something we can all pay attention to without having to be strong-armed by a global government system. 

The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday announced that Hecla Mining Co., of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, will have to pay $263.4 million plus interest as part of the cleanup of the millions of tons of toxic mining wastes that were released into the South Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River in the Silver Valley over the years. The lawsuit has been going on since 1991. Hecla wasn't the only culprit. The EPA has been trying to clean up the Silver Valley since the 1980s, and anybody who drives through that part of Idaho understands why. The world's longest gondola climbs up to the Silver Mountain Ski Resort over Kellogg, Idaho, and the first part of the journey sweeps over what has been the most ugly, brown, dead valley you'd ever want to see. Since several of the mines and the smelter near Kellogg shut down, the air has cleared and trees have finally started to grow back on the barren mountainsides. That's good. 

There needs to be some balance. We do not want the environment to become our god or an excuse for socialistic control. However, we need to be wise about our stewardship of resources; we want to have healthy forests and clean air and water to drink in a hundred years. We need to make wise management choices, caring for both humans and elephants. The needs of ravens do not supersede everything else, but God does care about them too (Luke 12:24).

"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." - Rev 4:11


Related Links:

• Climate Change Indicators - NASA 
• Hecla Will Pay $263M To Settle Case - AP
• Animal Rights Activists To Protest At San Diego County Fair Today - City News Service 
• Climate Change Issue Bothers Believers And Pagans Alike - The Sydney Morning Herald 
• Slow Start to Bonn Climate Talks Gives Way to Progress - ICTSD 
• Vaclav Klaus' Life Under Communism Informs His Appreciation Of Freedom - The Washington Times




It appears that President Barack Obama did not mean what he said in his speech at the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on May 22. That is, he didn't mean any of the things he said on Israel's behalf. In that speech, for instance, Obama had declared that Israel could not be expected to negotiate with Hamas until Hamas decided to give up its goal to destroy Israel. 

Basic things. 

Now, the White House is pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to go to the bargaining table with Israel's enemies, as they are, to keep the UN from declaring a Palestinian state in the fall. And yes, Obama still wants Netanyahu to agree to use the 1967 borders as a starting point. 

Obama's proposal in his May 19th speech had suggested that Israel and a Palestinian state should exist side by side based on the 1967 borders with mutually agreed land swaps. The issues of Jerusalem and refugees were not the immediate concern and would be addressed later. 

The Palestinians have agreed to return to the peace table on the basis of Obama's proposal, according to Palestinian envoy Saeb Erekat. And why not? The US moved a lot of negotiation ground in their favor. 

Netanyahu, though, flatly rejected the idea that Israel should accept the 1967 borders as a basis for negotiations, and the Obama administration and much of Europe have been miffed ever since. 

According to an inside Israeli source, the US is frustrated with Netanyahu's stand. On Friday, The US National Security Council's Middle East head, Steve Simon, told American Jewish leaders that the US expected a reply from Netanyahu in one month regarding the Obama Administration's proposal to restart talks. One European diplomat sided with the US saying, "We want to hear Netanyahu say he's willing to negotiate on the basis of Obama's speech and that he'll discuss borders based on the 1967 lines with land swaps." 

The whole thing is ridiculous. The Palestinians are in no position to start talks. Fatah is still in a unity government with Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist group that would like nothing better than to beat Israel to death with a fiery cosmic cricket bat. After Hamas won parliamentary elections in 2006, the Quartet (the US, Russia, the European Union and the UN) gave Hamas three conditions to be allowed to be a part of the game; recognizing Israel, renouncing terrorism and accepting past peace accords. Hamas has done none of the above, and Israel therefore has no reasonable negotiating partner. With whom do Steve Simon and these European diplomats expect Israel to drink tea and chat? 

According to Obama's own words less than a month ago, Israel should not be expected to enter into peace talks right now. Obama told AIPAC on May 22 that Israel could not be expected to negotiate with Hamas if Hamas did not even recognize Israel's right to exist. In his speech, Obama said, "We will continue to demand that Hamas accept the basic responsibilities of peace, including recognizing Israel's right to exist and rejecting violence and adhering to all existing agreements." 

Hamas not improved in the past three weeks, and now Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah have turned their backs on the Oslo Accords. In a sudden reverse, the Obama Administration appears to be pressuring Israel to sit down with people who won't stick to past agreements and don't recognize Israel's right to exist. The President is in fact handing the Palestinians a huge gift by making the 1967 borders the beginning ground for negotiations on the weak argument that it's necessary in order to stop the UN from declaring a Palestinian state this fall.

Did the United States lose veto power in the UN? Did we miss that somehow? 

Jennifer Rubin quoted a GOP advisor in The Washington Post as saying, "If the administration really wanted to, it could pressure the Quartet to formally oppose the Palestinians' unilateral move at the U.N. and nip the whole issue in the bud in a long weekend. Clearly, they would rather use this situation to box Prime Minister Netanyahu into a false choice between unilateral statehood and '67 borders. The Congress will reject this false choice and so should the PM." 

In the meanwhile, Netanyahu recently returned from a visit to Rome, where Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi had already agreed to stand with Israel against any UN resolution to create a Palestinian state by fiat. At a news conference, Netanyahu spoke directly to the real issue - the UN resolution. He pointed out that such a move by the UN would be counterproductive. 

"First, it would violate the agreements between the Palestinians and Israel but it would also harden the Palestinian position because if the UN General Assembly adopts the Palestinian positions in advance of negotiations why should they negotiate?" Netanyahu said. 

"Peace will only come from negotiations. It will be a negotiated peace. It cannot be imposed from the outside, not by any power and certainly not by one-sided UN resolutions," he said. 

Netanyahu's office said it was "unaware of any American pressure or ultimatum." 

The US and Europe may be miffed, but Prime Minister Netanyahu is doing a good job of standing his ground. He has some bullies to stand up to, and he needs to continue to do so solidly and wisely. We pray that the God of Israel will continue to protect him and direct him and give him true wisdom.  We pray the Holy Spirit will give the leaders of Israel direction and guidance as they navigate the dirty waters of international politics.


Related Links:

• Netanyahu Under Pressure to Accept Obama's Peace Plan - Palestine News Network 
• Netanyahu Warns Palestinian Bid For Statehood Could Harm Peace Efforts - Haaretz 
• Obama Bullies Israel; So Much For Promises At AIPAC - The Washington Post
• U.S. Pressuring Netanyahu To Accept Obama's Peace Plan - Haaretz 
• Fatah Nominates Fayyad To Lead Unity Government, Hamas Rejects - 

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