
My Personal Favorite: Godspel Four -Michael James Stone

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Michael James Stone

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Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.

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John Hagee
Type: Church
Most Recent: 04/04/10 

Devotions with Emotion

Michael James Stone

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only.

This material was brought to you by Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity. Last Call Digest, is a ministry of Michael James Stone, volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. It is an aggragate of Christian Material selected to Bless you and Prepare you for each and every day you read them. May God Bless You as You Do!! Reading these Devotions will help you to prepare daily for life, living, and your Lord. You will hear God Speak To You thru them. 

Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.


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The material is being made available in an effort to understand scripture, news, technology and society especially as it relates to God and Jesus. It is specifically for non-profit research and educational purposes only. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. This is a completely non-commercial site for private personal use. No fee is charged, and no money is made off of the operation of this site. Nor is any implied reciprocal gratuities implied or construed.

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Mil años: Genesage "Trastorno de Estrés Post Traumático Tribulación (PTTSD)" (Chp.2: 3)

Mil Años: Genesage "Trastorno de Estrés Post Traumático Tribulación (PTTSD)" (Chp.2: 3)

Un caso inusual de PTTSD: Post Tribulación Trastorno por estrés postraumático que participan la clase Eben preguntarle cómo muchos sobrevivientes quedaron pendientes en el período de la tribulación.Eben dijo sin rodeos sin un número a los supervivientes en el Reino de Dios. No era "el Camino" deben ir. (Halajá-el camino).

Hermano de Michael quería saber por qué desde los días del rey David la numeración de los Hijos de Israel se habían ido de largo. Se presume desde aquellos días se habían ido, por qué no contar la gente ahora. Era sincero con un interés genuino en saber cuántos de ellos habían "hecho". Aunque sinceramente, fue sinceramente equivocados.

Eben levantó el brazo derecho con el puño señaló hacia el interior y el dorso de la mano frente hacia afuera.

El saludo de los Condenados.

La reacción inmediata de la clase fue evidente en la cara de todos los presentes. Reconocieron que el gesto al instante. Lo habían visto mil veces antes o más. Cada vez que se detuvo. Cada vez que iba de compras, siempre que iban a la tienda. Everyplace se compra o se vende, no importa dónde se encontraban, el saludo de los condenados que se esperaba.

Caminando por la calle se había convertido en una fuente de orgullo para levantar el puño en el pecho y mostrar sumarca de Fidelity. Fidelitas Unitas.  

Orgullo de los condenados al infierno que es. Las palmas abiertas hacia abajo y afuera celebró como un signo universal de dar o "revelación" de ser desarmados, se convirtió en un puño en alto a su pecho con el símbolo desafiante de manifiesto en la parte posterior de la mano. En lugar de un signo de apertura, se evidenció un "yo" símbolo de la guerra. La última guerra.

Cuando se hace correctamente las manos hacia abajo y abrir jurar lealtad "Fidelitas Unitas", y luego venció de nuevo al pecho para revelar la marca de la fidelidad, la arrogancia era evidente.

Cuando Eben levantó el puño en ese saludo que él dijo que los números no tenían sentido para contar en el Reino de Dios, porque todos y cada uno "One" fue la persona más importante en el Universo.Toda persona, uno a uno por uno por uno.

 No hubo misa de una, ni un grupo de unos pero uno a uno en el Hijo. Uno a uno a uno. Uno tan diversos y, sin embargo, una en la Unidad de los Padres, no una falsificación "Unitas Fidelitas".

Numeración sólo recordar a aquellos que no habían sido numerados que se salvaron. Pero los que habían sido contados, no se habían salvado. Estaban en el infierno. Los que habían sido contados, ya se habían ido para siempre. Nunca más nadie se numerarán de nuevo.Nunca.

Cuando dijo Eben Nunca fue como si un hechizo se había roto nunca nadie mencionó numeración que nada ni nadie más, excepto el de ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil, pero eso fue otra historia. 

Con lo que la mayoría de las personas habían pasado por el "Fin del Mundo" sólo el cuidado de los sobrevivientes habían sido suficientes para Eben. Cada persona sufría de un síndrome postraumático Tribulación como Debbie, un amigo de Ebens acuñó él.

A pesar de que fueron curados de la mayoría de las cicatrices emocionales y físicas, no eran "recuerdos" que tuvo tiempo para olvidar. Generaciones a "desaprender" patrones destructivos y el cambio. 

Desarrollar más allá de la fase de Sentencia de la Humanidad, que probablemente iba a durar, a la Tercera y Cuarta Generación1] [.

PTTSD que hizo que casi todos los sobrevivientes parecen y actúan como zánganos. Los primeros años del Reino que hubiera pensado que la Tierra estaba llena de zombis o Noche de los Muertos Vivientes.Pensando en ti ahora Eben todavía no estaba muy seguro de si el hombre no era su peor enemigo, cuando los sobrevivientes había vivido literalmente como "muertos vivientes" en la Tribulación. Luego, en los primeros años del Reino, fueron Zombie-ish.

Casi todos eran calvos, por lo que tomó tiempo para volver a crecer pelo. Casi todos los sobrevivientes habían sido curadas de los efectos directos de los desaparecidos órganos vitales que algunos habían sido "capturados" por el choque de las Naciones que habían luchado por la supervivencia de la Tribulación. Los ejércitos necesitan las partes y al final, el exceso de la humanidad era sólo un recurso.

Los primeros años de los sobrevivientes fueron horribles, pero al igual que un pastor cuidando un rebaño, Eben había cuidado de estos supervivientes como si fueran sus propios hijos.

Sobrevivir a la fin del mundo era bastante malo, pero el pueblo, todos los que en realidad vino a través de esa experiencia, también había visto a Dios. Eso los dejó "alma chamuscada" como Eben explicó una vez. No es fácil hacer que su mundo literalmente destrozada y ver a Dios.

Mesías había dicho una vez que deje que sus ojos y no ver la luz tinieblas, sino para ver la santidad era una cuestión totalmente distinta. Había sido los que habían visto la santidad con los ojos en las órbitas de fusión y su carne chorreando lejos como Ezeq-Kiel Eben recordó una vez en la descripción de sus visiones.

En el momento Eben había pensado de la guerra nuclear y las propiedades físicas de la exposición a una explosión de bomba. Como Eben había tratado de explicar Ezeq había comprendido de inmediato y de acuerdo con él. 

Él dijo que sería como entrar en el Lugar Santísimo no ser el Sumo Sacerdote, a continuación, mirar hacia el interior del Arca

Eben realmente quería contar Ezeq-Kiel sobre una película llamada En busca del arca perdida pero estaba bastante seguro de que algo se perdía en el camino si hubiera tratado de explicarlo. El Profeta de Dios era más de un literal.

A pesar de ver y vivir la santidad, (un verdadero milagro Ezeq dijo), la supervivencia también se tratan sólo los recuerdos de todo ser tan "por encima" de su comprensión, que por Eben, PTTSD sobre resumió todo.

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Chuck Smith
Type: Teaching

Devotions with Emotion

Michael James Stone

Fair Use Notice

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only.

This material was brought to you by Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity. Last Call Digest, is a ministry of Michael James Stone, volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. It is an aggragate of Christian Material selected to Bless you and Prepare you for each and every day you read them. May God Bless You as You Do!! Reading these Devotions will help you to prepare daily for life, living, and your Lord. You will hear God Speak To You thru them. 

Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.


This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

The material is being made available in an effort to understand scripture, news, technology and society especially as it relates to God and Jesus. It is specifically for non-profit research and educational purposes only. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. This is a completely non-commercial site for private personal use. No fee is charged, and no money is made off of the operation of this site. Nor is any implied reciprocal gratuities implied or construed.

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LastGenerationNews: Monday 05 Apr 10 -Debka


05 Apr 10

Putin's Bushehr pledge slaps Obama's Iran policy
DEBKAfile Special Report

19 March: It left a question hanging over President Barack Obama's pledge Wednesday of "aggressive sanctions" against Iran. Russia's decision to finish and activate Iran's atomic reactor in Bushehr by summer - despite prime minister Vladimir Putin's promises to President Barak Obama and prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu - hit secretary of state Hillary Clinton when she arrived in Moscow, Thursday, March 18. This was the second contretemps of her trip after she failed to bring Russia aboard on tough sanctions for Iran - any more than defense secretary Robert Gates did in Riyadh earlier this week.
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that, far from being a strictly civilian plant, the Bushehr reactor's activation will make a real contribution to Iran's military nuclear program by providing such by-products as plutonium extracted from spent fuel rods.
US Middle East envoy George Mitchell is due to return to Jerusalem Sunday, March 21, to continue his effort to get proximity talks started.

Palestinian terrorists ape Taliban-style motorbike attacks
DEBKAfile Special Analysis

20 March: Al Qaeda fighters from Iraq and Pakistan have infiltrated Gaza through the tunnels and taught Palestinian extremists how to conduct motor-cycle-mounted attacks by RPG, DEBKAfile reports. Friday night, March 19, three pairs of motorbike riders crashed through Gaza's border fence and opened RPG and automatic fire on Israelis soldiers stationed near the Israeli village of Kfar Azza. They missed and swerved back unharmed. This was the second attack of this kind in two days by Palestinian gunmen, believed to belong to the al Qaeda-linked groupings spreading through southern Gaza, aping the tactics of two forces: Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps, which has established special motorbike units and the Afghan Taliban.
The last three days have seen a rising level of Qassam missile attacks from Gaza. The most serious killed a Thai farm worker at the border village of Netiv Ha'asara on Thursday.

Obama recalls bomb kits to bar Israeli strike on Iran
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

20 March: Shortly after the US-Israel row over new homes in East Jerusalem flared, US president Barack Obama ordered a consignment of Joint Direct Attack Munitions- JDAM already on its way to Israel to be diverted to the US Air Force base on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. This step in mid-March was a pointer to a US arms embargo for preventing Israel attacking Iran's nuclear sites.
US military sources describe the consignment as consisting of 387 JDAM kits for attachment to the warheads of 2,000-pound BLU-109/MK-84 or the 1,000-pound BLU-110/MK-83 bunker-busters for their conversion into smart bombs.
On March 13, DEBKAfile disclosed that the Obama administration was pondering withholding from Israel military hardware that could be used for an Israeli attack on Iran.
The pair of Israeli Gulfstream Vs converted to spy planes sighted over Budapest on March 17 may have been Israel's signal of its concern over the White House measures for keeping the means of attacking Iran out of its hands. The long-haul flights, demonstrating the Israel Air Force's ability to cover the distance to Iran, took the aircraft over Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania as well as Hungary.

Abbas avoids US envoy Mitchell
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

21 March: The "sprained ankle" Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas suffered from slipping over at home was very much diplomatically motivated, DEBKAfile's Middle East sources report. It was his pretext to stay out of the way of the US president's Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, when he arrived in the region March 20 fired up to restart Palestinian-Israeli proximity peace talks. He prefers to bide his time until the White House delivers a softened Israeli government on his doorstep.
Abbas may also duck the Arab summit opening this week after Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi decided to invite Abbas' rival, the Damascus-based hardline Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, at the head of a large delegation

Israeli soldier killed by friendly fire in Gaza battle
DEBKAfile Special Report

22 March:
A colonel was appointed to head the inquiry into the incident.
DEBKAfile's military sources report this was the third time in five days that Palestinian intruders were able to creep through the border fence. The intrusions and several Qassam missile attacks occurred during the visits of UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon and European Union foreign affairs executive Catherin Ashton to the Gaza Strip, yet both slammed Israel and paid no heed to the Palestinian cross-border violence.
The firefight flared Monday, March 22, when Palestinian infiltrators were sighted already inside Israel in the Kissufim sector. An Israeli tank force opened fire and when the Palestinians fled back into the Gaza Strip, gave pursuit.
A Golani infantry unit mistook the tank force for the fleeing Palestinian gunmen and fired, killing one of the tank crew, Sgt. Gabriel Cepic, 21, from Zichron Yaacov.

Britain to expel Israeli diplomat over Dubai passport affair
DEBKAfile Special Report

23 March: Although admitting it has no proof of Israeli official culpability, the British government has expelled an Israeli diplomat, claiming an Israeli security arm cloned 15 British passports used by the suspected assassins of Hamas' Mahmound Mabhouh in Dubai on Jan. 19. Jerusalem is treating the decision as a deliberately unfriendly act in keeping with London's overall Middle East policies.
Our intelligence sources point out that the British passports could have been copied at any international airport.
Furthermore, the British consulate in Jerusalem is staffed entirely by Palestinians who could easily have got hold of the passports held by Britons or dual citizens in Israel and forged them for their own purposes.
It should be noted in this regard that the British prime minister and foreign secretary have repeatedly promised to amend the law which has allowed private individuals to file war crimes charges against Israelis in British courts. No other foreigners have ever been targeted for this treatment, the threat of which caused opposition leader Tzipi Livni to cancel her London visit to London as well as top Israeli officers warned they could be arrested at Heathrow airport.
In January, minister of justice Jack Straw stepped in to postpone the requisite legislation indefinitely. Neither the prime minister nor foreign secretary demurred.

Abbas: No talks until 2,000 terrorists freed DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

23 March: The Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas made US presidential envoy George Mitchell go and find him in Amman, only to lay down a fresh prohibitive condition for indirect peace talks to begin: Israel must first open its prison doors to free 2,000 Palestinian terrorists, twice the number demanded by Hamas for handing over kidnapped soldier Gilead Shalilt. He knew quite well that even for the soldier, Israel had refused to hand over to Hamas 323 hard-core prisoners on the Abbas list, because letting them go free would set Israel's counter-terror gains back by decades.
And so another Mitchell mission ran aground.
Our sources report that Palestinian delaying tactics aim at using the Obama administration's willingness to squeeze Israel for more before committing themselves to talks.Netanyahu told the AIPAC conference that Israel had ceded plenty for peace talks and it was time the Palestinians to starting giving something too.
A year ago, the US president declared Jerusalem was Israel's capital, never to be divided. Today, he is pushing Israel to settle for a repartitioned Jerusalem to provide a future Palestinian state with a capital.
The Israeli strategy of adapting to changing US policies and interests without solid bedrock of its own principles is untenable and bound to break down whenever it comes to the crunch.

Israel under veiled US threat of diplomatic isolation
DEBKAfile Special Report

24 March: At his high-stakes meeting with President Barack Obama March 24, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu had a strong impression that the White House was behind London's decision to expel an Israeli diplomat over unproven passport allegations, to underline the president's threat of isolation. This was to punish him for telling the AIPAC annual conference the day before that Jerusalem is no settlement but Israel's capital.
The president made it clear what he expected of Israel on Jerusalem, West Bank settlements and Iran and where he drew the line. As the tension rose in the Oval Office, Netanyahu asked to consult privately with his staff and after an hour, asked to see Obama again.
A second 35-minute conversation followed without a breakthrough.
In the Middle East, Iran, Syria, Hizballah and Palestinians stood ready to exploit the US-Israel rift and Israel's loss of its American shield.

Netanyahu flies home amid crisis with Obama DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

25 March:
Reporting this, DEBKAfile's Washington sources add that Netanyahu's public renunciation was required to cover also the large Jewish suburbs of the city and remain in force for the duration of negotiations. He must also pledge further concessions to the Palestinians. The president said he intended formulating in detail for the first time the shape of the settlement the US government sought for solving the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
This would be tantamount to a US diktat and put the lid on negotiations, direct or indirect, because Israel would be dragged to the table in handcuffs to face an Arab partner who would accept nothing less than the terms Washington imposed in advance on Israel.
Such a notice would put a clamp on the close dialogue which has historically characterized US-Israeli ties to the detriment of Israel's international standing.
US president Barack Obama kept on turning the screw on Israeli minister Binyamin Netanyahu Wednesday, March 24, after their harsh conversation in the White House Tuesday: Netanyahu was told bluntly to issue a White House-dictated public pledge to eschew further construction in East Jerusalem, or face a presidential notice condemning Israel and holding its government responsible for the failure to restart indirect Israel-Palestinian talks.

Obama is going after regime change in... Israel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

25 March: All the fine words about America's friendship and strategic support for Israel melted away in the flames of the rift between the Obama administration and Israel which burst out in the open during the Israeli prime minister's visit to Washington. President Barack Obama made it brutally clear that the Netanyahu government is an obstacle to his goals in the Middle East and he brooks no recalcitrance. He therefore has no qualms about seeking regime change in Jerusalem - even ahead of Tehran.
Common ground between Washington and Jerusalem has shrunk exponentially in the current administration fourteen months in office.
Netanyahu's options have narrowed to three:
1. Resignation and a snap election, campaigning on the sure fire issues of Jerusalem and Iran.
2. A unilateral attack on Iran to restore Israel's fortunes in the region.
3. Doing nothing, an option proving counter-productive against the British expulsion of the Mossad representative at the London embassy in London, by encouraging other governments to follow the UK's lead.

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LastCall: Judge Righteously -Raul Ries

Judge Righteously

“Then I commanded your judges at that time, saying, ‘Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him.’ “
Deuteronomy 1:16

Moses was like a Supreme Court judge. He had the responsibility to judge rightly between people when a complaint was brought before him. He was representing God, and Jeremiah 11:20 tells us, But, O LORD of hosts, You who judge righteously, . . . He could not judge or take sides based upon friendships or positions.

I see this as a problem in the world and, unfortunately, in the ministry. Being in positions of management or leadership, people can become respecters of persons. Be careful of that.

As a senior pastor, I do not care who it is — if it is my own wife, my kids, or any of my friends — it does not matter. I am going to make a righteous judgment for the ministry and for the Lord. Not for my friends and not for my family, because then I will suffer the consequences of God’s judgment.

You have to understand what it says here because Moses was preparing the way, and he was putting people in place who would do the same. God puts each of us in our positions, and He expects us to judge righteously, representing Him.

Justice is truth in action.
-Joseph Joubert-

Devotions with Emotion

Michael James Stone

Fair Use Notice

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only.

This material was brought to you by Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity. Last Call Digest, is a ministry of Michael James Stone, volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. It is an aggragate of Christian Material selected to Bless you and Prepare you for each and every day you read them. May God Bless You as You Do!! Reading these Devotions will help you to prepare daily for life, living, and your Lord. You will hear God Speak To You thru them. 

Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.


This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

The material is being made available in an effort to understand scripture, news, technology and society especially as it relates to God and Jesus. It is specifically for non-profit research and educational purposes only. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. This is a completely non-commercial site for private personal use. No fee is charged, and no money is made off of the operation of this site. Nor is any implied reciprocal gratuities implied or construed.

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LastCall: CREATION MAGAZINE -Richard & Calvin

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Richard & Calvin
Type: Talk
Most Recent: 04/04/10 

Devotions with Emotion

Michael James Stone

Fair Use Notice

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only.

This material was brought to you by Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity. Last Call Digest, is a ministry of Michael James Stone, volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. It is an aggragate of Christian Material selected to Bless you and Prepare you for each and every day you read them. May God Bless You as You Do!! Reading these Devotions will help you to prepare daily for life, living, and your Lord. You will hear God Speak To You thru them. 

Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.


This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

The material is being made available in an effort to understand scripture, news, technology and society especially as it relates to God and Jesus. It is specifically for non-profit research and educational purposes only. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. This is a completely non-commercial site for private personal use. No fee is charged, and no money is made off of the operation of this site. Nor is any implied reciprocal gratuities implied or construed.

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LastGenerationNews: Monday 05 Apr 10 -News For Christians

Easter Service at DC Church Draws Obama Family 
President Barack Obama and his family marked the Easter holiday by attending a music-filled service at a historically black Methodist church in southeast Washington. A boisterous crowd of more than 1,000 people welcomed the Obamas on Sunday at the Allen Chapel AME Church. Joining him at the service were his wife, Michelle, daughters Sasha and Malia, and his mother-in-law, Marian Robinson.  MORE

Poll: 78% of Americans Believe Christ Resurrected 
Sunday was the day Christians believe Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, and 78 percent of Americans share that belief. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 10 percent don't believe Christ rose from the dead, and another 11 percent are not sure. Eighty-five percent (85 percent) also think that the person known to history as Jesus Christ actually walked the earth 2,000 years ago. Six percent (6 percent) disagree. Eight percent (8 percent) aren't sure.  MORE

Missing Link Between Humans and Apes  
Said To Be Found 
A "missing link" between humans and their apelike ancestors has been discovered.  The new species of hominid, the evolutionary branch of primates that includes humans, is to be revealed when the two-million-year-old skeleton of a child is unveiled this week. Scientists believe the almost-complete fossilised skeleton belonged to a previously-unknown type of early human ancestor that may have been a intermediate stage as ape-men evolved into the first species of advanced humans, Homo habilis.  The new discovery could help to rewrite the history of human evolution by filling in crucial gaps in the scientific knowledge.    MORE

Obama’s Approval Rating Drops to Record Low 
This healthcare thing apparently isn’t working out too well politically for President Barack Obama. His approval rating fell to a record low of 44 percent in the latest CBS News Poll. That compares to 49 percent in late March, just before the healthcare reform bill became law. His approval rating was 50 percent in January and 68 percent last April. Obama does even worse on healthcare.   MORE

Obama Sends Out Inclusive Easter Greeting 
President Obama sent an Easter greeting Saturday that focused heavily on what people of all faiths have in common. The president made it clear that his family will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, but made an effort to extend a Passover greeting to Jewish families and to address Hindus, Muslims and people of no faiths in his holiday message.  MORE

British Christian Couple Forced to Sell Hotel After Run-In With Gays 
A UK Christian couple has been forced to put their hotel up for auction, even after having been cleared of all accusations in a religious discrimination case. Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang said that business at their nine-bedroom Bounty House hotel has collapsed and they are losing about £8,000 per month.  MORE

Pope Hailed As 'Unfailing' Leader at Easter Mass 
A senior cardinal defended Pope Benedict XVI from "petty gossip" on Sunday as the pontiff maintained his silence on mounting sex abuse cover-up accusations during his Easter message. The ringing tribute by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, at the start of Mass attended by tens of thousands of faithful in St. Peter's Square, marked an unusual departure from the Vatican's Easter rituals. Sodano's defense of the pope's "unfailing" leadership and courage, as well as of the work of priests worldwide with children entrusted to their care, built on a vigorous Vatican campaign to defend Benedict's moral authority.  MORE

U.S. Congressmen: Clinton’s G8 Abortion Push is “Outrageous,” 
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has received a flurry of criticism from politicians on both sides of the border for pushing abortion as a necessary component of the Canadian government's G8 maternal and child health initiative.  While Canadian Conservative politicians and even the prime minister resented Clinton’s interference into Canadian politics, several Congressmen from her own nation have decried her intervention as...   MORE

Anglican Head Apologizes for Catholic Church Remarks 
The head of the worldwide Anglican Communion has offered an apology after saying that the Catholic Church in Ireland had lost all credibility as a result of the child abuse scandal. Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams made the critical comments in an interview with Andrew Marr to be broadcast on BBC Radio...  MORE

Pastor Vows to Avoid Pro-Faith Message in School Speech 
A Christian minister whose invitation to speak at the inauguration of the University of Rhode Island's new president has stirred controversy is assuring protesters that he won't be abusing the platform he's been given. Responding to objections from those concerned about the blurring of the lines between church and state, Pastor Greg Boyd of Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minn., stated Friday that the message he will deliver “will be predicated on our shared humanity, not my particular theology."   MORE



05 Apr 10

Last Generation News Desk

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