
Christian Issue Digest: "Tis the Season?"-GQ

Tis the Season?

What do you enjoy most about the Christmas season? What do you enjoy least about the Christmas season?

Comments (18)


1. Comment by Mark

From a spiritual standpoint, I really don’t like Christmas. I know that I may hear some flack for that, but Christmas has lost all it’s meaning. I think that Thanksgiving is a much more appropriate holiday. No where in the Bible does it mention celebrating the anniversary of a birthday (that I’m aware of), but it’s riddled with giving thanks. I just get sick when I look around at all of the money being spent on junk, the scowls on people’s faces as they shop for stuff, the lack of true focus on the holiday. To me, Christmas has lost a lot of the celebration of Christ, and I’m not so sure that it’s ever had it in my lifetime. I’d much rather gather family and give thanks and worship our God and our Creator on Thanksgiving than to exchange gifts to each other in the name of celebrating Christ’s Birthday.

2. Comment by Robert

All year round, I have a relationship with God and seek to be a good Christian, but at Christmas time, I feel able to step up even more in spreading the word. I do try and do that the rest of the year, but at Christmas, people tend to be more open to the message of Christ and I try to use the time to speak to people about Christ.
The thing I enjoy least about Christmas is the debt that people get into. I have fallen into that trap myself before, but hope I have improved in that area of my life. I don’t like the thought of my family or friends (or anyone) spending lots of money on gifts. I am happy with a small modest gift (such as a fruit or chocolates) and I believe it should be more about interacting with each other and continuing a relationship with Christ than spending lots of money on gifts.

3. Comment by curtis newman

No where in God’s word do I read anything about Christmas, I believe it is originally a pegan holiday. I wish I would concentrate more about the Birth of Christ everyday, and the relationships I have and need to make, then celebrating with lots of cost, and debt, and encourage the ones I know to just let me know they love me and forget about the expensive gifts, I too would just like to have a holiday card telling me how much I am loved and cared for and then Celebrating everyday as Christ Birthday, since we do not know His exact birthday, part of telling our kids the Truth about Christmas and Santa Clause and all the other fairly tales we are inclined to tell them. I know that a lot of people will disagree, but I only write this to remind you and me that Jesus came to earth to Seek and Save the lost.

4. Comment by Rachel

Mark, I’m with you! It’s not a very popular stance to take, but I totally get what you’re saying! We keep the gift giving to our kids only and try to keep it to a minimum. We enjoy things such as shopping in the Gospel for Asia Christmas Catalog ( But we instill in our children that we need to be careful that the gospel we spread to others on Christmas and throughout the year is THE GOSPEL and not the social gospel.

After reading, Revolution In World Missions by K.P. Yohanan, I’ll never be able to stomach the materialism in our present culture…especially around Christmas   We save our spare change during the year so we can buy bicycles and other items for missionaries.

Yes, Christmas can be fun and there’s no rule against us having some fun, but as Christians, we have to show self control and not blur the line between a follower of Christ and any other lost person out there. And most importantly, remember that God’s work…the Great Commission, should be year round!


5. Comment by Rachel

Curtis…you’re right   My Dad is the same way. He does not like receiving gifts. He’d much rather money be donated to a Christian organization. This year, I’ll be sending money to GFA to buy things from their Christmas Catalog and putting it in the name of those I love. Such as my Mom, she loves to sew, so I’m going to buy a sewing machine for an Indian woman and put it in my Mom’s name 

6. Comment by Beryl Franklin

I love Christmas and what it represents. I’m aware of how commercial it’s become, overlooking the true meaning, but having grown up Jewish & always feeling left out & excluded from sharing with my Christian friends, I am no longer alone looking for approval and admiration through how much money I’ve earned & saved. I have found what I’ve always been searching for-brothers & sisters that don’t look to each other for approval, but to a God who loves us shows no condemnation, & in whom we are saved only by his grace and love for each other. Our Christian family consists of many different ethnicities & levels of education. If we remember to follow Jesus and treat others respectfully as we which to be treated, the world will be a better place, without anger, competiveness, fear, and a multitude of emotions from our flesh and intellect.

7. Comment by Douglas Summers

As a child I loved Christmas. Now that I have grown up in the Lord, it is a sad affair. I read in the news today that a man was trampled to death at a Wall Mart Store as customer’s broke both doors down and trampled over the man…He is dead at the age of 32.

One Church I use to attend had a Christmas play. Every song they had the children sing were; Jingle Bell, Rudolf the Red Nose Raindeer, Santa Clause is Comming to Town….But nothing about Christ???

Another thing I noticed when I was a child was that during the Christmas Season, everyone had a lot of cheer and a kindered spirit. But it went away January 2!!!

Now your not even allowed to associate Christmas with the birth of Christ! But as all of those who are born again know, that our joy in Christ does not come by seasons, but by the fellowship of His Spirit from day to day to eternity.

The Early Church never celebrated Christmas or Easter. These are RCC practices put into the Church and are of OT origin of heathen idol worship.

In Christ

8. Comment by Jerry Teets

What do you enjoy most about the Christmas season?

Answer: That Jesus is mentioned….that He came into the world to be our Savior.

What do you enjoy least about the Christmas season?

Answer: The commercialization and the distration that Santa Claus has to this season.

9. Comment by Debbie

Every day is Christmas for a Christian…

10.            Comment by Douglas Summers

Amen, Debbie.

In Christ

11.            Comment by Douglas Summers

In the list of Questions asked on this Blog, I would like to ask some meatier questions that all mature Christians should know. Most Christians can witness to others that they need Christ, and that He died on the cross for our sins. But that is usually as far as one goes…or understands.

The meatier questions are, “Why did the Christ come”?….and, “What is the purpose of the Church”?

These questions are the whole of all Scripture and cover the OT and NT. Can you answer them?…..From the Scriptures. If you want, you can email me or just Blog your answers.

In Christ

12.            Comment by ceseeley



It seems to be a foregone conclusion today that Christ came into this world over 2000 years ago to establish his glorious earthly kingdom in Israel. And since he failed to do that at that time, he must return soon to set it up! This establishment of an earthly kingdom in Israel was the same thing that was on the minds of many apostate Jews of that day also, and so we see the impetus of their thought processes when they sought to take Jesus by force and make him their king over Israel, but he would have none of it (Jo. 6:15). We still see thinking like this today, so not much has changed, even though we have the inspired Word that should set us straight on such things.
Had the Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day been more intent on actually listening to what Christ really had to say on the matter, instead of persistently following all of their own thoughts, they would have likely been led to seriously question their own ideas as to Christ’s real purpose in coming here. But we see the very same problem manifested today, even among those who profess Christ. The Jews clearly had no interest in bothering themselves and their time with the truth. Is this what we are going to continue to see today among this other modern group as well? Perhaps so! From all that I have seen and experienced they seem very determined to cling to something outside of the real Scripture testimony.
And just what is the real Scripture testimony? Well, we see many things in many different places in Scripture that lead any rational person to an entirely different conclusion. Let’s take a good look in one specific area.
Christ made it very clear what his real purpose was for coming into the world. We read at Matthew 20:28: “For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many.” (See also Ma. 10:45.)
We read at Luke 19:10: “And I, the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those …who are lost.”
We read at Luke 4:18: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”
We read at Jo. 12:27: “Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from what lies ahead’? But that is the very reason why I came!”
Christ precisely confirms the words of the Old Testament prophets that spoke of his coming to bear our load of sin. You can read these prophecies that refer to what he was about to do at places like Isaiah 53:10-12 and 61:1-2. The Jews of Jesus’ day failed to see the truth in these Scriptures, just as the modern professing Christians and apostates of today also do.
Again, he told us that “My kingdom is not of this world” (Jo. 18:36). He further states that he was born as a King, but not in the earthly sense that they thought. He tells them that he came “to bring truth to the world. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true” (Jo. 18:37. See also I Jo. 4:4-6). Indeed, instead of an earthly kingdom he told those in Capernaum that the Kingdom of Heaven was near (Mt. 4:17). Other Scriptures such as Phil. 3:14, Col. 1:5 and 3:2-3, and Heb. 3:1 and 6:19 tell us that our calling is heavenward! This was clearly his Kingdom! No earthly kingdom is ever mentioned by our Lord at all, nor by the apostles! So who do we believe, if not our Lord himself? Do we just keep on believing the made up stories of men?

As a body, the ultimate purpose for the Christian Church is to bring glory to its Head, Jesus Christ. As the church brings honor to Christ, it also fulfills two specific purposes related to God’s plan for the earth: (1) evangelism to non-believers and (2) edification for fellow members of the church. Among other things, the church is also known as the bride of Christ and the living temple of the true God. Obviously, the church is not a building, a meeting place, an organization, or a denomination. The church is the totality of all believers in Christ, regardless of denomination or meeting place. The entire body of believers is the church, and as such, the church is the dwelling place of God.

13.            Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi ceseeley,
That was a good understanding. I’m glad to see you understand about Israel. Here is the Scripture that sums up what you were refereeing to(Rom.15:8)+(15:9-16). This is a sum of the promise to Adam and Eve (Gen.3:15) and Abraham (Gen.12:1-3). Study on them and tell me what you think.

In Christ

14.            Comment by windyblue

Chirstmas has be come so commerical. And Jesus is lost in it. I see all kinds of christmas lights up, snowmen, Santa, Reindeer, but where is Christ. He is no where to be found. i personally do not like Christmas, being one of those people who have no family nor friends to spend it with. It is rather lonely.
No christmas presents either. I just keep praying to the Lord about it, but so far, it’s still about the same. I have no one to buy for, And IF there was a church that was doing Christmas Day dinners I would go and help out.
but there is not. I am glad when its over.

15.            Comment by Douglas Summers

Ceseeley, I missed part if your Comment #12 where you said : “We read at Jo. 12:27: “Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from what lies ahead’? But that is the very reason why I came!”
Christ precisely confirms the words of the Old Testament prophets that spoke of his coming to bear our load of sin. You can read these prophecies that refer to what he was about to do at places like Isaiah 53:10-12 and 61:1-2. The Jews of Jesus’ day failed to see the truth in these Scriptures, just as the modern professing Christians and apostates of today also do.
Again, he told us that “My kingdom is not of this world” (Jo. 18:36). He further states that he was born as a King, but not in the earthly sense that they thought. He tells them that he came “to bring truth to the world. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true” (Jo. 18:37. See also I Jo. 4:4-6). Indeed, instead of an earthly kingdom he told those in Capernaum that the Kingdom of Heaven was near (Mt. 4:17). Other Scriptures such as Phil. 3:14, Col. 1:5 and 3:2-3, and Heb. 3:1 and 6:19 tell us that our calling is heavenward! This was clearly his Kingdom! No earthly kingdom is ever mentioned by our Lord at all, nor by the apostles! So who do we believe, if not our Lord himself? Do we just keep on believing the made up stories of men?”

You are in error here. When Christ says that His Kingdom was not of this world, He was speaking of “ages”(periods of time). He was not the King of this age (This age is governed under the principles of Satan). The whole promise of the Davidic Kingdom is earthward and a promise to Israel to be still fulfilled. That is the 1000 year reign of Christ and His Church (body).

I got to excited when I read where you understood about Israel….I should have concentrated more on the rest of your exegesis.

You are way off on your understanding. How is it that two who claim to be born again have two completely different understandings of God’s purpose?

In Christ

16.            Comment by Douglas Summers

I just realized you must have copied this from some other source…It may be what you believe, but I do not believe it is of your own structure. This is completely a scatter of different Scripture out of the Bible that are not related to each other of the same subject matter or discourse. Did you study the Scripture’s I gave you?

In Christ

17.            Comment by Douglas Summers

ceseeley, There are two advents of Christ….this was only His first advent below that was in your comment.

“Christ made it very clear what his real purpose was for coming into the world. We read at Matthew 20:28: “For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many.” (See also Ma. 10:45.)
We read at Luke 19:10: “And I, the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those …who are lost.”
We read at Luke 4:18: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”
We read at Jo. 12:27: “Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from what lies ahead’? But that is the very reason why I came!”
Christ precisely confirms the words of the Old Testament prophets that spoke of his coming to bear our load of sin. You can read these prophecies that refer to what he was about to do at places like Isaiah 53:10-12 and 61:1-2. The Jews of Jesus’ day failed to see the truth in these Scriptures, just as the modern professing Christians and apostates of today also do.”

This prophecy is in Isa.61:1-11. Notice in Luke 4:16-21. Notice in verse 19 of Luke 4, that He only quotes part A of that verse. Why? Because this prophecy is of two advents. He only quotes the first one because that was what He was here to fulfill. How would He know to quote it that way?…Because He was God, He wrote the Scripture’s.

The Book of Daniel explains this time period between the two advents (Dan.9:23-27) The reader must understand there is an interim between the 69th and 70th week in which the Church is called out. The original author of the comment you wrote is the apostate!

In Christ

18.            Comment by Child of the King

What I least enjoy? I don’t have a fireplace since I live near the Gulf of Mexico therefore I get Depressed Knowing I can’t have “Chestnuts Roasting in an open Fire” as Nat King Cole sings. Nor can I forsee “Jack Frost nipping at my nose” since I live so far south but you never know! “Frosty the Snowman” is some creature from another state. The last time we had Snow was 1993 and it was all gone 5 hours after it fell.

Then there is the reality of dealing with Santa Claus bringing Gifts to people in poorer areas like the “Projects” in cities where most are African-Americans live who are mostly poor.

One Black Gentlemen who grew up in that enviorment said he learned very early age Santa was bogus. He said one Christmas his father came back in his apartment and told his children (Faking tears) I’m sorry Kids Santa told him he could’nt come there this year because he ran out of gifts 2 blocks back!

The same man said once he asked his Mom “Momma what does Santa look like”? She told him “He wears a Red Suit and Black Boots” He thought to himself “Hmmmm that could be any of The Brothers in this
Neighborhood”!! When his mom further told him Santa always came down the chimney and was a white guy. Again he thought at his young age; “Ain’t no White Guy gonna come down the chimney at midnite in this neighborhood”!!

He told me his neighborhood was so rough when the Milk Truck came by there to deliver the Milk..They had a Tailgunner in the back!

Anyway that’s my case..Happy Whatever!!

This material was brought to you by B.C.Digest, a ministry of Michael James Stone, Volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. We hope it helps you to prepare daily for life and living, as well as the return of Jesus, He is Coming Very Soon. Broadcast Christianity, operates by you. “Freely you have received, freely give”  Pass this on, everywhere you can, anytime you can. You will be blessed if you do.

Posted via email from Michael James Stone Digest
