
Christian Issues Digest: Death Penalty?-Got Questions

Death penalty?

Should the death penalty be enforced today?

Why or why not?

If so, for what crimes should the death penalty be enforced?

Comments (26)


1. Comment by Dan

No, I do not believe the death penalty should be enforced today. What right does the state have to kill it’s own citizens, warranted or not? Locking someone in prison for life is one thing, but executing them is something else. If a country kills an enemy soldier, that is justified. It’s one of consequences of war. However, killing it’s own citizens in peacetime is not acceptable – it gives the individual no chance to change. Before people say that I’m some crazy liberal, I’m not. My views on many things are pretty conservative, but I always believe people should be given a chance to change their ways. Many countries have thrown away the idea of the death penalty, yet have a far smaller pecentage of people in prison and a lower crime rate.

2. Comment by Earl Decker

The death penalty has biblical backing. It should be enforced today. As a matter of fact it should be strictly enforced. As far as a person changing. You always have the chance to repent and ask for forgiveness before the penalty is carried out. No one go’s straight to the electric chair or gas chamber. It is not about vengeance it is about justice.

3. Comment by Dan

Please note I am not against killing in self defense or anything. If a criminal breaks into your home, in my opinion, you have every right to defend your property and family in any way possible. What I am against is the state having the power to kill it’s own citizens. A quote from Gandalf in Lord of the Rings sums up what I am saying: “Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?” We can take away life so easily, yet we cannot give it back if we make a mistake. There are plenty of cases where the evidence later shows strongly that the individual was innocent – what happens then? What value can you put on a persons life? How can you repay their family for a miscarriage of justice?

4. Comment by Mimi

I myself really struggle with this issue. My husband does not. My husband is against the Death Penalty and he has told me that Jesus was killed by the Death Penalty during his time. He has also spoken of forgiveness to me and would I be able to pull the switch myself. All those questions are what keep me from saying a profound YES, to the death penalty. However at the same time when I think of Child Molesters that kill and rape children, serial killers, terrorists, those responsible for 911, a certain anger rises within. I almost feel that it is justifiable anger. But since I am not completely certain I can’t say Yes to the death penalty without remorse. I know this isn’t an easy one, because I have heard people use, both the old and new testament to defend both sides of this argument.

5. Comment by Child of the King

I personally don’t condone killing Prisoners. However God has established Law and Order for The Sinners and Unbeleivers. The law of man is God’s way to punish the wron doers. One verse tells us that there is NO power unless God allows it.

God hates sin but loves the sinner. All those in power to administer the law including the Death Penalty are ordained by God they are referred in the scriptures as his “Ministers”

6. Comment by Sheila

I don’t believe so. The justice systems are too flawed to carry out the death penalty rightly. Two people can kill another person, and one gets a few months in prison while another receives the death penalty. It is based often on how a person looks, how much money they have, etc. In some states it is completely up to a jury of 12 lay persons to decide whether a person should live or die. This is an inconsistent way of doting out punishment, since it can depend on the mood or temperament of untrained (and sinful) citizens. The justice system is anything but fair and impartial, and is not black and white anymore, as the Bible is.

I believe the death penalty imposed in the Old Testament is similar to the reasons behind the Levitical laws – they pointed us in the direction of Christ and showed us how utterly incompetent we are without the saving grace of Christ. If we should not expect to put to death adulterers and homosexuals anymore, I don’t think we should expect to put to death anyone else either.

7. Comment by Douglas Summers

God has set among men,the law of preservation of mankind, according to the flesh.(Gen.9:1-19) and the Book of Leviticus.

When Christ speaks of the OT Law, About an Eye for an Eye in the NT. He is not excusing the Law…but condemning the spirit that uses the law according to the flesh…for the Law is Spiritual…the problem is with the natural man.

The Laws of God are summed up in to two Laws…one to God, and the other to your neighbor.

In Christ

8. Comment by BR

Wow, I’m glad I don’t have to decide because I can understand the reasoning on both sides of this. My dilemma is probably over-simplistic…if it says “Thou shalt not kill” then what makes that not killing? The crime wasn’t committed against the person who gives the injection or turns on the electric chair (I have no idea what they do or even if they do that anymore) so how can that person be justified in taking someone’s life? I don’t know that there is an answer, just that that’s my dilemma. What a great question for thought this week.

9. Comment by kevin

I do not believe in the death penalty. I feel it is wrong to empower our government to take the lives of its’ citizens, because believe me, they will, and with enthusiasm. Our earthly governments are inherently corrupt and certainly cannot be trusted. Judgment, is in Gods’ realm. He is the only one who can truly judge any human, because he alone knows the real truth. I do believe that we should imprison those who commit heinous crimes to protect society from them. Sociopaths such as child molesters and serial murderers have a long record of never being rehabilitated, and should be incarcerated for the whole duration of their earthly existences. Who are we as sinful, fleshly, non-cognoscente beings to pass judgment on anyone? “Let he without sin cast the first stone.” If it is truly about justice, and not vengeance, what better punishment than to spend an entire lifetime incarcerated? Finally, on a purely cost saving basis, it is actually cheaper for society to keep a person in prison for their entire life, than to pay the legal expenses for the original trial, and all the appeals leading up to the costly execution.

10.            Comment by Child of the King

Good post! Let’s read this together;

Romans 13 v 1-7 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God: The powers that be ORDAINED OF GOD.

Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the Power? Do that which is good. And thou shalt have praise of the same:

For he is a Minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do which is evil, be afraid FOR HE BEARETH NOT THE SWORD in vain; for he is a minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil….

Genesis 9 v 5-6 God warns Noah what he will do in the future

“And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, And at THE HAND OF MAN; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of a man.

Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the iage of God made he man”.

So execution is a justifiable law according to God’s law as Paul explains in Romans 13.

How do we know for certain God tells his Ministers in the law enforcement field to carry out his will? Answer is found in REV 17 v 17.

11.            Comment by Child of the King


I hear what your saying. I’m against killing anything including Animals like Dogs and Cats. Our society is getting De-sensitized to death, man killing man or otherwise. Almost like watching some Sport. Because our adversary Satan is the one behind all this:

John 10 v 10 “The thief cometh not but for to steal AND TO KILL and TO DESTROY……”

12.            Comment by Debbie

Yes, I believe in the death penalty. Some crimes are so heinous and deserve exactly that, death. As for the ten commandments, “thou shalt not kill,” that is not correct. It reads, “thou shalt not murder.” Wilfull, premeditated taking of another life is murder and deserves the ultimate sacrifice. The Bible differentiated between murder, manslaughter and other crimes. I would encourage everybody who does not believe in the death penalty to personally offer to pay for the cost of housing, medical care and spriitual witness to those who they deem worthy of life and remove the obligation from the taxpayer and the government. God established the divine institution of government. “The basic responsibility of human government is to enforce God’s moral code upon the sin nature of man in order to restrain the expression of violence in human society and to preserve human life during this era when Satan rules the world.” Although sin is always forgiven by confession and repentance, the consequences of the sin do not always go away. Remember the case of David and Bathsheba. Although he confessed and repented, God still took the life of his newborn son. I would have no problem “pulling the switch” as they say, if a person has first received a trial by a jury of his peers. Even in the Old Testament, the slayer could escape to a city of sanctuary and avoid the “avenger of blood” by clinging to the altar. If he was deemed guilty though, he was sentenced to die. So arrest, investigation, fair trial and consequence.

13.            Comment by Debbie

What about abortion? Is that murder? Should they be put to death who commit such an act? Guess that is a whole other topic…

14.            Comment by Child of the King

Here’s a quick story about two college football fans about to be executed. Now you need to be a fan of or understand about Football played in the SEC to appreciate this.

One fan was a Tennessee Fan the other a Georgia fan. The warden comes into the cellblock says “Well guys this is it..Have any last requests?

The Tennessee fan tears up sniffling sez “Yes Sir I’d like to hear “Rocky Top” one last time! The Georgia fan..Warden just let me go in first!!

O.K. Just a little soft humor there to lighten things up..and yes I’m still against the Death Penalty..But for God’s laws.

15.            Comment by Child of the King

“Convicted by a jury of his peers” Then later we find out years later the DNA was not of the one who was convicted who was executed. Whoopsie! Now what? This is starting to happen more and more frequently by Prosecutors for their own Agenda Rush to convict someone without all the evidence to back up the charge…Just a thought!

16.            Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi Debbie,
Comment #13. It is not really another matter. The killing of babies was the last straw with God against Israel. It was because of that murderious sin that God gave Israel over to His warnings in Deut. Chapters 29-34. The very tribe that God told Israel to destroy of every last living creature….but Israel did not obey….is the very tribe of people that led Israel astray to sacrifice their children to forgien god’s.

But man always knows better than God!!! But I have the same spirit as King’s Comments in #10 and #11 as well as yours. For they are Scriptual. And animals are part of God wonderful creation…I love all that He made and gave us. But animals especially are treated badly…I will be glad when the Lord Himself turns over the the creation, free from it’s bondage of corruption and into the son’s of God. Oh Lord…why do you tarry so?…Yet…..,only God is wise, and every form of sin and disobedience will be judged on those who did not love the knowledge of the TRUTH.

Please….all pray for wisdom and understanding from God…which is Christ, Amen.

In Christ

17.            Comment by Debbie

Or just the opposite perhaps? Most criminals in prison and on death row are GUILTY. Most cop a plea (they must be guilty to do this) in order to have the death penalty removed from the table. Most opt to do this because the evidence is stong enough to convict them. Have you ever served on a jury? God’s law requires two or more witnesses in order to avoid false conviction. It is a good law for prosecuting Those who wish to take a chance on a jury trial, may not be guilty. We wait years and years with endless appeals and trials and in the end, the families of the victims and those who suffer the loss of their loved ones, whose blood cries out, receive no justice. …just a thought?

Animals deserve more kindness in my belief than humans that murder. They were thrust from Eden because of man’s sin and not because of any wrongdoing on their part. “A righteous [man] regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked [are] cruel.” (PROV 12:10) How much more the unborn babies with no voice of their own?

18.            Comment by Child of the King

I see your point and God is for Mercy and Judgement when needed. I’m just not the type to be on a jury to pass judgement for the death penalty. On the other hand if my Pastor and other men of God would convince me it was Ok to judge a possible death penalty criminal I would do it but with extreme resevations.

No matter what the Criminal did to the victim I still have compassion on the soul of the criminal not for his actions but where he would be going if he does’nt turn toward God.

I would not wish The Lake of Fire on anyone..LOL

19.            Comment by ceseeley

If it wasn’t for the “Death Penalty” we would not have “The Ultimate Sacrificial Lamb;” “The Final Passover;” “One Man Taking Away the Sins of the World;” “Salvation” “Forgiveness For Our Sins;” “The Final Sacrifice” … etc.! Or, would God have found another way?

20.            Comment by Debbie

I understand your reservations. Although our justice system may wrongfully incarcerate somebody, it is probably not a common occurrence. It is estimated at less than 1%. I believe that restorative justice is really the way to go. Criminals need to face their victims or victim’s families face to face and one on one. The current system is out of sight and out of mind. This would probably lead to less recidivism for criminals and more closure and sense of satisfaction for the victims and their families. The ultimate fruit of such a program is in a death penalty case, whether the accused in sentenced to death or not. Anybody who has a conscience would perhaps repent if he/she had to face a grieving family regardless of whether they live of die. Those who have no conscience like Richard Ramirez have been bought by Satan anyway and will live forever in the Lake of Fire. Ceseeley, very good comment. All judgments ultimately are in God’s hands and have a purpose. Very wise my brother.

21.            Comment by Mr. Tommy

I trust that the LORD knew what he was saying and doing when he accused Cain of shedding the innocent blood of Abel, as well as when he spoke to Noah about the shedding of blood of the seven clean animals which he had aboard the Ark. He told Cain that Abel’s blood called to him from the earth: He told Noah that he was free to eat the flesh of every moving thing, but not the blood thereof. So I think we can say that the blood was sacred in God’s eyes.

In (Lev. 17.11) God said “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you for an atonement for your souls: For it is the blood that maketh atonement for your souls.” Why make an atonement?

Now, God realized that there are times and circumstances that men will lose their lives accidentally. For that reason God appointed six cities as cities of refuge for those who had committed a killing to go for safety until they could be tried by their peers, the congregation. (Num. 35.22-29)

And there are some killings that are Murder. (Num. 35.16-21, 30-31) For these people, God calls them murderers, there can be no reprisal: V-31) states “Moreover ye shall take no satidfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death, BUT HE SHALL BE SURELY PUT TO DEATH.” Of course, this is aftr the two required witnesses have been produced. If God felt this way back then, what has changed his mind?

If I wasn’t guilty of sin, and didn’t deserve to die, Jesus paid an aweful price for me. (Rom.4.1-24)

If I haven’t judged myself to see whether I’ve stayed in the faith, then God will either accept me or chastise me. (Heb. 12.5-11)

Then there is the nation of Israel: God will put this nation through the great tribulation because of her many centuries of rebellion against the laws of God.(Ezek.20.33-44) At the end of this short period of time (Aprox. 3 1/2 years) God will save the whole nation of Israel as a nation, (Zech. 12.10-13.1)

Nor are the angels that rebelled going to get off scott-free. (Jude 6-7) They will be judged at the great white throne judgment where they will receive eternal damnation in the lake of fire. (Rev. 20.10)

There will be the judgment seat of Christ where we will have our works judged and there will be much loss at this time(1 Cor. 3.11-15)

And the judgment of the living nations which will take place at the 2nd. advent of Christ will be found in (Matt.25.31-46)

And finally, there will be the judgment of the wicked dead(Rev. 20.11-15) How long it will take — I don’t know. But I
can tell you how long the judgment will last ——- it will be for as long as eternity lasts. And some of the people who are being put to death now are going to be there. The smoke of God’s wrath shall rise as an eternal monument.

Yes the death penalty should be fulfilled and is being fulfilled each time a lost soul dies and goes to that terrible place.

22.            Comment by Douglas Summers

Just a note to all. Many try to compare their compassion with God…even saying that they feel sorry for Satan!! But God hates sin…and the wicked…And he will destroy both without hesitation.

That is part of the Gospel. He is calling out His own at this time, but one day the Body will be complete…..Then the end will come, and Christ will destroy all things that offend the righteous.

Who are the righteous?

In Christ

23.            Comment by Child of the King


Quick comment regarding Jesus’ Death on the cross vs. Criminal Acts. The Death of Jesus was ordained for our blood bought salvation. He was innocent of any wrongdoing I’m fact he was chosen to die over Barabbas a convicted murderer.

Jesus did’nt deserve to die but had to for us.(Hebrews 9 v 27).

24.            Comment by Child of the King

*****error last post*****
Hebrews 9 v 22…..

25.            Comment by Douglas Summers

About Christ death. His death was of His own free will, He was not made to die, but planned to die because of His love for His creation. What is an abomination, are those who say Christ’s death is not enough, and that we must add to it with good works….cursed are you that teach and preach such things.

In Christ

26.            Comment by S

Only secular clowns practising at the wrong bar/court and trial and jurors unaware of the real trial they are in could apply the death penalty.

The death penalty is man assuming the position of God.

Never is it right. Whilst there is breathe in a man, there is time for Salvation.

Thats why the secular retarded lot bring in clergy at end, its not for the prisoner, but their evil consciences that have been deluded by and have conceptualised a lie first before they can participate in it all.

Some food for thought, yes i agree, that we can take a life if our own or offspirings life is under threat or indeed any other innocents life. I would certainly, spontaneously, lie down and die to protect any other persons life outside of Christ. I’m safe, they are not – yet, they still have time!

However, i once remember a question about some cult faction ( a religious line i wont name) that had men lined up on trees ready to shoot them – they had deemed them the death penalty for ‘crimes’. And the question was do you agree with this?

I said far less do i agree with it, if i came across that in the woods, id blow the heads of the ones holding the guns to protect the ones on the trees. The ones iwth the guns are evidently, already – dead. What about those tied to the trees?

Granted, time to talk to the guys on the trees, get them saved would be good, but if you didnt have that time, what would you do, walk on by or shoot down the ones with the guns? 

Eye for an eye, very cute and God humorous again, we have two to start and if we dont have the right one only by we die. We had no eyes at all.

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