
Last Call Digest The four laws of God's blessing-Rick Warren

The four laws of God's blessing


Posted by Rick Warren

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"I will bless you ... and you will be a blessing."

Genesis 12:2 (NIV)

During this Christmas season, we should keep in mind the four laws of God's blessing -

1. Our blessings should flow to others
The Bible teaches us that we are blessed not just so that we can feel good, not just so we can be happy and comfortable, but so that we will bless others. God told Abraham in Genesis 12, "I will bless you and you will be a blessing to others." This is the first law of blessing: it must flow outwardly.  

2. When we bless others, God takes care of our needs
God promises that if we will concentrate on blessing others, he'll take care of our needs. There's almost nothing that God won't do for the person who really wants to help other people. In fact, God guarantees this blessing. In Luke 18, Jesus says, "I guarantee this. Anyone who gives up anything for the kingdom of God will certainly receive many times more in this life and will receive eternal life in the next world to come."

When you care about helping other people, God assumes responsibility for your problems. And that's a real blessing, for he's much better at handling your difficulties than you are.

3. Our blessings to others will come back on us
The more you bless other people, the more you help others, the more God blesses your life. Luke 6:38 tells us, "Give your life away and you'll find your life given back. But not merely given back. Given back with bonus and blessing." You cannot out give God. The more you try to bless other people in the world around you, the more God says, "I'm going to pour blessings out on you. We'll play a little game here. Let's see who will win. Let's see who can give the most. The more you bless others the more I'm going to bless you in return."

4. The more we're blessed by God, the more He expects us to help others.
Jesus said it this way in Luke 12 "Much is required from those to whom much is given. For their responsibility is greater." Based on the blessings of your life, what would you say God expects from you?

This material was brought to you by B.C.Digest, a ministry of Michael James Stone, Volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. We hope it helps you to prepare daily for life and living, as well as the return of Jesus, He is Coming Very Soon. BroadCast Christianity, operates by you. “Freely you have received, freely give”  Pass this on, everywhere you can, anytime you can. You will be blessed if you do.

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