
Last Call Digest Satan has no power over us ~ Mike MacIntosh

 But we, brethren, having been taken away from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavored more eagerly to see your face with great desire. Therefore, we wanted to come to you--even I, Paul, time and again--but Satan hindered us.

1 Thessalonians 2:17-18


As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan has no power over us.

Colossians 1:13 says that God has

"delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love."

But as we see here in 1 Thessalonians, Satan can certainly make things difficult for us here on earth. And it's important to realize that he will attempt to thwart the work that God has given us to do. Satan can hinder us.

The Greek word for hindered literally means, "to cut a trench between one's self and an advancing army or a foe, and to prevent progress." So Satan, opposing the progress of missionaries like Paul who were coming to the church at Thessalonica, cut a trench between them. You see, Satan is digging trenches everywhere, attempting to rip the Body of Christ apart.

For some of you today, there may be a big gap between you and your brother or sister. Or maybe there is a trench between you and a church that you left. Or maybe Satan's trying to prevent you from having a fruitful prayer life, or from tithing, or from serving the Body through a ministry opportunity.

It could be because you still hold anger, bitterness, or lust -- which are fruits of your flesh. No doubt, he's trying to hinder you in any way that he can.

But here's the promise.

The Bible says we're more than conquerors in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).

It may take a phone call or a face-to-face conversation with the person you've hurt or offended in order to mend the wounds. It may mean that you make radical decisions about your lifestyle or the friends you hang around with.

Whatever it is that the enemy is hindering in your life, take care of it today.

We've been given so much, and God promises that we'll be conquerors because of His Son, Jesus Christ. So don't let the trenches dug be a hindrance to the joy and happiness that is ours in Christ Jesus.

Grab a shovel and by the power of the Holy Spirit start filling in those trenches. And you will see that as those trenches start filling in, victory will be yours.


Tags "Devotion with Emotion", Bible, Christianity, Devotional, Jesus, Last Call, Michael James Stone, Mike MacIntosh, Sharon

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