
One Thousand Years: Genesage 1B (Recap)

I saw the souls of them


For the Witness of Jesus.

I saw the souls of them


For the Word of God.

They had Not

Worshipped the Beast.

They had Not

Worshipped his Image.

His Mark was Not

Upon their Foreheads.

His Mark was Not

In their Hands.

They Live and Reign…,


One Thousand Years



Seventy Years have passed since the ‘End of the World’ and the Beginning of the Kingdom. A lot has changed for the people who lived through the Tribulation Period. Culture Shock, Post Traumatic Tribulation Stress Disorder (PTTSD’s) have come and gone with the Survivors having children and the children growing up. New Relationships for.  Shocking to the Survivors of the Old World is to discover their children think of their world as myths and legends.

Eben Abram one of the “Raptured” enjoys his quiet time as the heyday of the early “survival mode” of the people he cares for gives way to a peaceful time. He prepares them to go out into the World. Teaching his community he reflects on his own life and what it is like for him as he lived day to day in this New World in the Kingdom Age.

Delilah a Survivor of the Old World discovers love can blossom in this new age but dare she follow her heart or rely on her knowledge of the Old World as she goes forward in living in this Kingdom?

The Household of Mormon discovers there may be more to the Chronicles of Narnia than they thought and can religious themes replay themselves over again in the Kingdom? What is the House of Allah doing here?

Ex-wife meets ex-husband and discovers that not only is he in the Kingdom, but so is his “other” ex. Will they get along? Who is married to whom? How can imperfect people live in a perfected world?

The “Secret” society of the Brethren once formed to preserve “Old World” knowledge, splinters into another group devoted to “acting” upon that knowledge. What directions are they headed?

Though death is rare, one of Eben’s closest friends passes away and the entire community is affected.

Children of the Kingdom, the first generation born to the Survivors, begin to discover certain abilities they have being born in the Land Of New Yisrael, where Old Israel had been.

Another insight is revealed about the mysterious One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand. Some brief descriptions are given of the changes that have come upon the World as a whole and the “Promised Land.”

Excitement begins to build as the Survivors know it is only a matter of time till they leave the cities they have lived these seventy years and venture out into the rest of the world. Some prepare to build a new nation, others have personal agendas.  No one knows for certain what is “out there.”

Heroes from the Bible, Great Historical Figures, everyday people with conflicted ideas of How God Should have ordered this Kingdom Time all meet together in the epic adventure of a generation that can live a thousand years. Questions thought unanswerable are resolved as generation after generation experiences what it is like to live in the World God intended for man.                 A world where Jesus Reigns:

One Thousand Years

Is man ready to live in it?

      Chapter One

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